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How to find ANY part for a Stealth or 3000GT
Courtesy of
Vineet Singh
In way of thanks, here's an unabashed "plug" for Vineet's
3/S and DSM Manuals on CDROM
Thanks to Oleg Resnik for the JapSpec &
EuroSpec CAPS!
He sent them to us all the way from Latvia!
Check out Oleg's web
page HERE
This is an HUGE program, and we want to thank Vineet for undertaking such a massive project. Our thanks also go to Jeff Mohler for providing another 100 MB on his server for this part of the Team3S site. There are full directions below, but to use this program, you must download all 21 parts - over 100 MB in total size (!), and expand it to install it on your computer. Obviously, you'll need an high-speed connection to make this practical, since each part is around 5 MB. |
Jap.-Spec & Euro-Spec CAPS are also available! We also have the European Spec and the Japanese Spec versions of the CAPS program available, but it will not be available to the public. It will be available to Team3S members ONLY. The Euro Spec version is one CD (compressed into zip files) and the Japanese Spec version is 5 CDs (compressed into zip files). |
486 or higher CPU |
500 MB of Free Space |
16MB of RAM |
Windows or Win95+ |
Note!: Although we were very clear (above) about only downloading ONE file at a time, the "SELFISH" among us insisted on ignoring our request, and in doing so, almost crashed our server.  Because of them, we have had to move the files to another directory! The ONLY way to find out what that directory is will be to contact the Team3S Admin. Apologies for the extra work; (it's extra work for us too!) - Let's give a special "Thanks" to the MORONS out there who make the rest of us suffer! |
To request the NEW location
of the US Spec CAPS program files
please email the Team3S Admin by clicking below.
US Spec CAPS Directions (Please follow them *exactly*!):
1. Find or create an empty directory (folder) on your computer. Download the zip file, "CAPS.ZIP" into that folder. (Either Click the hyperlink and choose "save to disk" into the new directory, or Right-Click the hyperlinked file and choose "save file as..." [CAPS.ZIP] into that directory). |
2. In Windows Explorer, Double-Click the "CAPS.ZIP" file, which will extract the enclosed file, "CAPS.EXE". Delete the original file, "CAPS.ZIP". |
3. Download the other 20 files into that directory BEFORE running the EXE file. |
4. What you will now have is a directory that looks something like this: |
CAPS. | EXE | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R00 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R01 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R02 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R03 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R04 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R05 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R06 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R07 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R08 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R09 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R10 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R11 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R12 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R13 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R14 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R15 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R16 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R17 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R18 | 5000000 |
CAPS. | R19 | 2110610 |
The number on each line is the size in bytes. If you have a different sized file(s), or have a corrupt one, just download that file(s) again. For those of you who are interested in or familiar with filesize checking software, we have included the latest version of the popular "SFV Check" software, SFV Builder for Windows 95/98/NT/2k, at the end of this page. For your convenience, we have included the CRC checksums, as well. |
5. Double click the CAPS.EXE file, and it will ask you where you want to unzip the install file, "SETUP.EXE". Pick a directory (can be the default), and then wait for it to decompress the single large 100mb+ file. |
6. Double click "SETUP.EXE" to install. Once installed, you can go ahead and delete the above files, but keep the SETUP.EXE file in case your CAPS installation gets messed up, or you need to install to another PC. |
7. To USE the CAPS program, install it, and you will be able to read a "readme" right from your start menu. |
8. For HELP, go HERE. |
File-Checking Utility
SFV Builder for Windows 95/98/NT/2k
View the SFV Builder ReadMe File
Download SFV Builder (840k Zip File)
CRC Values
(Generated by pdSFV/WIN on 7/19/00 at 2:09:15 PM)
caps.exe 52B40EBC
caps.r00 01F9FB98 |
caps.r10 91A13D16 |
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