This Page Has Been Moved

I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused by this change, but in order to better organize and maintain this website, a one-time change was necessary. If you have bookmarks or links to this page, please update them with the link below. You will be automatically forwarded to the new page listed below after 30 seconds. You may click the link below at any time to get there faster. --Erik

URL Update Information:

Old URL:
New URL:

All this stuff is ©1999-2004 Erik Gross
This website brought to you by picture_page, and the letter 4.

A good buddy of mine put it well: "Unauthorized duplication, while sometimes necessary, is never as good as the real thing. And it could be bad for the pixels." As I've put a lot of time and effort into creating this webpage and website, I would prefer that you not redistribute, sell, or claim as yours any of the content of this site. I know I can't stop you if that's what you're going to do, but I'm asking nicely. If you would like to publish some of the content of this site in your own work (printed, electronic, or otherwise), please e-mail me and we can work something out.

Last Modified Mon Sep 08 2003 19:36:18 PDT