Team3S: 3000GT & Stealth   Monday, November 26 2001   Volume 01 : Number 684


Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:22:05 +0700
From: "CV. Duta Karya Teknik" <>
Subject: Fw: Team3S: NEED ADVICE

Hi Guys,

Would you please to comment to this information from manufacturer of pill or
do you have any experience ? please let me know.

Thanks n regards

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "PT Sutan Masterindo" <>
To: "CV. Duta Karya Teknik" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: Team3S: NEED ADVICE

> Dear Mr Berry,
> Thank you for your email.Firepower always appreciates feedback whether
> positive or negative.I was travelling through Indonesia with our Firepower
> partners when we came across this email.
> Just a bit of background into the business before I cover your technical
> concerns.
> Firepower is a West Australian based business who manufactures product in
> Melbourne and Perth.Recently,Firepower and Shell Services formed a joint
> venture.
> Australian Market (WA)
> On 1 January 2000, BP Kwinana (Western Australia's source of fuel
> withdrew Leaded Petrol and introduced Lead Free Super into the local
> (due to high benzene levels).A huge problem for the WA motorists with
> leaded vehicles ! Given that you worked in the Union Oil research center
> would understand what the lack of lead in motorspirit does i.e. valve seat
> recession.The Pill overcomes this by providing upper cylinder lubricity
> prevent pre-ignition by burning the heavier fuels quicker.Effectively we
> witnessed a reduction in fuel economy (depending on vehicle make and
> the Australian market of between 4-7% - not much, but then again in a high
> quality fuel manufactured market.The emission reduction - a bonus on its
> own.
> Coupled with this, most of the new 5 series BMWs (refer Auto Classic -
> Perth) have severe pinging problems.This is overcome by adding the
> Pill starves the fuel from its octane appetite.We also experienced
> with vehicles under load and pinging (pre-gnition).Vehicles towing
> problems were overcome with the addition of the Pill.All these emperical
> examples are relative to Australian fuels.Bearing in mind that Western
> Australia has one of the strictest fuel specifications in the World.For
> Motorspirit we remove the ingredient MTBE to reduce benzene levels and
> Diesel the sulphur is only 500ppm (going to 50ppm in 3 years time).Nowhere
> near Indonesian specification.
> The Pill is not an additive but a fuel conditioner.Given the competivity
> the Motorspirit market fuel companies do not tend to endorse these
> products.By adding fuel conditioners, whether at refinery or gantry level,
> would result in a higher unit cost due to the over 'engineering' facet.It
> will also not meet the Governmental dictated spec for petrol/diesel.These
> products that could have been added include other conditioners like Pour
> Point depressants (prevent diesel freezing which still happens during cold
> snaps and winter seasons). Firepower products are hydrocarbon based (not
> solvent or teflon based like Wynns or Nulon) which compliments the fuel
> without damaging seals and leaving residue.
> In Indonesia and some selective Asian countries the fuel is treated with
> Kerosene as an extender (mainly to cheapen the fuel).We have also heard of
> water and other subtances used to extend the fuel.The fuel lacks Octane as
> result - which is what the Pill contributes.Nissan in the Philippines
> achieved a >40% fuel saving on a Nissan Sentra (refer Angel Goncalves).We
> have years of technical testimonials available.Test reports available from
> this office - please discuss with PT Sutan Masterindo, the Firepower
> in Indonesia.
> Effectively, Firepower in Indonesia is not a small company given the
> relationship with Shell.Also, they are represented at Antam,PLN,Aneka
> Tambang and BPIS to mention a few.
> Finally, should the Pill not work then Firepower would kindly return your
> money.I am assumming that BS depicts - Best Standards ?
> Any questions, please refer to the writer.
> Bill Singer
> Tel : +61.8.92428988
> Mobile : 0438899562
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CV. Duta Karya Teknik []
> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 3:17 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fw: Team3S: NEED ADVICE
> Ini salah satu komentar dari mereka mengenai produk dari Firepower. Untuk
> itu kami mohon informasi yang jelas dan bagaimana jika terjadi kerusakan
> pada kendaraan saya jika harus mengkonsumsi PILL dengan terus menerus.
> Saya sudah memakainya akan tetapi saat ini saya menunda untuk memakainya
> sebelum ada penjelasan yang pasti.
> Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Berry" <>
> To: "CV. Duta Karya Teknik" <>;
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 10:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Team3S: NEED ADVICE
> > All I saw at the site was marketing hype --- no technical information or
> independent
> > testing at all. All kinds of automotive products make outrageous claims
> improve
> > your cars performance --- very few actually work.
> >
> > The oil companies and auto manufacturers spend billions of dollars to
> improve the
> > reliability and efficiency of their products --- a very small edge is
> worth more
> > billions in increased revenue. Some of these oil additives are an
> if their
> > claims of improved mileage and drivability and reduced wear were true
> the
> > manufacturers would gladly add them to the car and recommend you use
> on
> > a regular basis.
> >
> > If the effectiveness of fuel could be improved that much for a few cents
> per gallon
> > the oil companies would be standing in line to own the product [ and no
> not so they
> > could hide the  formula --- that theory is BS ]. Years ago I worked in
> Union Oil
> > research center and they actual tested many of those products just to
> if their
> > was any validity to their claims --- just in case they might find a
> diamond in the pile
> > of marketing BS. They never, did but we had a few laughs.
> >
> > Stay away from small companies that make outrageous claims for their
> product, if
> > it's real, it will surface in the real world.
> >
> >         Jim Berry
> > =========================================================
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: CV. Duta Karya Teknik <>
> > To: <>
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 12:52 AM
> > Subject: Team3S: NEED ADVICE
> >
> >
> > > Hi Guys,
> > >
> > > When I attended Automotive Show and I found one participant and he
> informed
> > > me one of the products it's called PILL from Firepower Australia can
> > > increase octane and performance of engine.
> > > One PILL can mix 60 ltr into fuel tank and the price is USD 5.00 for
> pcs of
> > > PILL against our local currency Rp 10.000 per USD 1.00 but I worry
> this PILL   > > because I have no experience and do not
> > > want my engine will have a problem.
> > > If anybody knows about this PILL and has experience to use it, please
> let me
> > > know.
> > > Their website is and click to the product.
> > > Your kindly information is very helpful and thank you very much.
> > >
> > > Kindly regards,
> > > Jane

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Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 18:59:08 -0800
From: "Michael, Sharon & Dashiell Rhoden" <>
Subject: Team3S: Multi-use tester (MUT) and vehicle speed sensor

I haven't had this much fun working on a car in a long time.  Seems like
there's a new challenge every day.

I have a '92 VR4 with electronically controlled suspension (ECS).  The
tour/sports light began flashing after a few hours driving on curving roads
with a couple of unpaved stretches (I played nice when I hit those).

The diagnostic manual suggests I use a "multi-use tester (MUT)" to capture
codes and enter test scenarios.  I've used an on-board diagnostic (OBD)
reader that performed similar functions, though I don't recall that it was
capable of entering specific test scenarios.  Does anyone know if the MUT
is, indeed, different from the OBD diagnostic tool?  Any idea where I can
find them?  I suspect I'll be using one on a fairly regular basis.

I was able to do enough basic diagnosis using a volt meter to narrow the
problem down to the vehicle speed sensor (diagnostic trouble code 24, though
I'd swear it was giving me a reading of 25).  If I'm going to test the
sensor further I'll need to get a MUT and spend some time going through
diagnostic steps, any idea what it costs to just buy a sensor and replace it
myself?  It looks like it just bolts into the transaxle.  I'm mindful that
trouble could be in the harness or the ECS control unit.



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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 02:45:59 -0600
From: "Philip V. Glazatov" <>
Subject: Team3S: OT: Cool prices Apexi Super AVC-R

Hi all!

I just bought an Apexi AVC-R and Super-AFC from these guys:

Their prices are great. They currently have two stores: Titan and Honda.
They are working on their websites now so the prices are different in
different places but they are all low.

You can find Apexi AVC-R on the Titan site under Group buys for $399 (free
and Super AFC on the Honda site for $300 under Apexi Electronics.

I was going to call and order tomorrow but I received four replies from two
of their people today (and that is on a Thanksgiving Sunday!). They said
they will be adding a 3000GT/Stealth section soon. Both AVC-R and Super-AFC
are in stock and can ship immediately so I confidently placed an online
order tonight.


P.S. I wish they had paid me for doing this promotion for them.

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:16:54 -0500
From: "Furman, Russell" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: wideband O2

Jim/List,  a couple of the MKIV guru's had bought one these a few months
back.  These guys got them to try and do real time fueling adjustments, they
mounted the O2 sensor in the top of the D/P just after the turbo(s).  Yes a
single turbo guy did try the set up and liked it, he just didn't have 950
bucks to drop on the kit :( 

They liked them allot, It should also be noted the display module (EMD) is
little bigger than AVC-R display.......   And we have a limited amount of
space to mount things in our cars as is :(

Another thing to note due to having two banks to monitor we may have to
mount the WB O2 sensor just after the Y in a D/P for decent readings also
mounted there you will see about 250-300 rpms of lag in your readings if you
use it to make "real time" adjustments to our fuels curves.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Berry []
> Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2001 9:25 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Team3S: wideband O2
> Anybody know about this product or company --- Alamo is selling
> a setup for $800 or so.
>         Jim Berry

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:23:38 -0500
Subject: Team3S: RE:Traction Control

How can I check to see if my car has traction control?


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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:34:40 -0500
From: "Jeff VanOrsdal" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: RE:Traction Control

Traction control was never an option on the 3000GT and Stealth.

Jeff VanOrsdal
1991 Stealth ESX Twin Turbo

- -----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 9:24 AM
Subject: Team3S: RE:Traction Control

How can I check to see if my car has traction control?


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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:00:11 EST
Subject: Team3S: Engine Stuttering/tachometer jumping

I have recently begun to experience the engine stuttering/tach jumping problem which I have seen elsewhere on this message board. However, I have had no luck diagnosing the problem.  When the accelerator is pressed (usually at highway speeds),  the car will stutter and start to stall, the tacj will jump several hundred RPM in either direction, and, most recently, the "check engine" light came on momentarily.  Caveat - sometimes, the tach will jump all on its own without any accelerator actuation. 

The only modification I have made to the ignition system is to tap the oxygen sensor leads at the ECU.  The taps have since been disconnected to evaluate the problem, but I noticed that my rear O2 sensor might be faulty.  Could this cause the stuttering/tach problem?

If not the O2 sensor, what was the cause of the stuttering that others have noted on the board.  I have a 1991 stealth Rt-turbo with about 115,000 miles on it. (a 60k service was performed 7,000 miles ago as a precaution when I bought the car, which entailed new plugs and wires.

Thanks for any advice.

- -Thor

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 07:42:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Jeff Lucius <>
Subject: Re: Team3S: Traction Control

What type of car do you have? This list is for 3000GT/Stealth cars,
none of which have "traction control" in any electronic sense. All
the factory turbocharged models have all-wheel drive, which is
full-time and automatic in a mechanical sense. Some for-Japan
non-turbo models have AWD also. Just look for a differential between
the rear two wheels (the transfer case and propeller shaft give it
away also).

An illustrated guide to the 3S AWD system:

Jeff Lucius,

- ----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:23 AM
Subject: Team3S: RE:Traction Control

How can I check to see if my car has traction control?


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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 09:55:57 -0600
From: "Christopher Deutsch" <>
Subject: Re: Team3S: Multi-use tester (MUT) and vehicle speed sensor

I don't know how much different the MUT is from your OBD reader. The MUT II
which is used for '94 and '95 cars costs around $2000 and is not an easy
item to acquire.  Your Mitsubishi dealer should have one though.  I know a
lot of places charge like $80 just to hook one up, so get a price quote up
front if you take it in.  Might be cheaper just to replace the sensor like
you said.
Good luck,

- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael, Sharon & Dashiell Rhoden" <>
To: "Team3S" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 8:59 PM
Subject: Team3S: Multi-use tester (MUT) and vehicle speed sensor

> I haven't had this much fun working on a car in a long time.  Seems like
> there's a new challenge every day.
> I have a '92 VR4 with electronically controlled suspension (ECS).  The
> tour/sports light began flashing after a few hours driving on curving
> with a couple of unpaved stretches (I played nice when I hit those).
> The diagnostic manual suggests I use a "multi-use tester (MUT)" to capture
> codes and enter test scenarios.  I've used an on-board diagnostic (OBD)
> reader that performed similar functions, though I don't recall that it was
> capable of entering specific test scenarios.  Does anyone know if the MUT
> is, indeed, different from the OBD diagnostic tool?  Any idea where I can
> find them?  I suspect I'll be using one on a fairly regular basis.
> I was able to do enough basic diagnosis using a volt meter to narrow the
> problem down to the vehicle speed sensor (diagnostic trouble code 24,
> I'd swear it was giving me a reading of 25).  If I'm going to test the
> sensor further I'll need to get a MUT and spend some time going through
> diagnostic steps, any idea what it costs to just buy a sensor and replace
> myself?  It looks like it just bolts into the transaxle.  I'm mindful that
> trouble could be in the harness or the ECS control unit.
> Thanks!
> Michael

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:34:18 -0500 (EST)
From: Kraig Frederickson <>
Subject: Team3S: Transmission Woes

Hello All,
First, let me say that I am new to this list and so far have found
it a valuble resource, but I can learn only so much by digging through
the archives.  My problem is this, I have a '92 VR-4 which I've had for
about 2 years.  It has a 125k miles, is completely stock and I'm having
some problems with the transmission.  The transmission was removed and
the output shaft splines were visibly worn as well as the input to the
transfer case.  I've found in the list archives places that sell
replacement parts and shops that do rebuilds, but before I send my
transmission off to get rebuilt I'd like some recommendations from people
who have actually had work done on theirs.  Which shop seems to do the best
work?  Is it going to take 2 months before I can get my car back?  Also,
transmission problems seem widespread among these types of cars, which makes
me think there is a design flaw.  Are there parts available that are maybe a
little better quality than the stock parts?
Ideally, I'd like to find a local shop that can do the work.
However, knowledge about this car seems really limited here in Ohio.  The
manager of the shop I use is reluctant to even open up the transmission
because no one there has any experience with it and there are apparently
no manuals available.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Feel free
to respond to my e-mail directly at

'92 VR-4

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:53:22 -0600
From: "Jannusch, Matt" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: Engine Stuttering/tachometer jumping

> I have recently begun to experience the engine
> stuttering/tach jumping problem which I have seen elsewhere
> on this message board. However, I have had no luck diagnosing
> the problem.  When the accelerator is pressed (usually at
> highway speeds),  the car will stutter and start to stall,
> the tacj will jump several hundred RPM in either direction,
> and, most recently, the "check engine" light came on
> momentarily.  Caveat - sometimes, the tach will jump all on
> its own without any accelerator actuation. 

Sounds like the capacitors in the ECU are dying their slow death.  On a '91
like yours it is very likely that's the problem.

- -Matt
'95 3000GT Spyder VR4

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:16:18 -0600
From: "Alex Pedenko" <>
Subject: Re: Team3S: Engine Stuttering/tachometer jumping

Is there any way to test that? I'm having a similar issue w/ my '95. That
plus the active aero seems to operate on a cycle - it turns on once per
drive (i.e. the first time i hit 50 it'll turn on. once i stop it'll turn
off and not turn back on until the engine is turned off).


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Jannusch, Matt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: RE: Team3S: Engine Stuttering/tachometer jumping

> > I have recently begun to experience the engine
> > stuttering/tach jumping problem which I have seen elsewhere
> > on this message board. However, I have had no luck diagnosing
> > the problem.  When the accelerator is pressed (usually at
> > highway speeds),  the car will stutter and start to stall,
> > the tacj will jump several hundred RPM in either direction,
> > and, most recently, the "check engine" light came on
> > momentarily.  Caveat - sometimes, the tach will jump all on
> > its own without any accelerator actuation.
> Sounds like the capacitors in the ECU are dying their slow death.  On a
> like yours it is very likely that's the problem.
> -Matt
> '95 3000GT Spyder VR4

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:56:31 -0600
From: "Jannusch, Matt" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: Engine Stuttering/tachometer jumping

> Is there any way to test that? I'm having a similar issue w/
> my '95. That plus the active aero seems to operate on a cycle
> - it turns on once per drive (i.e. the first time i hit 50
> it'll turn on. once i stop it'll turn off and not turn back
> on until the engine is turned off).

You don't test it, you just replace them.  Requires good soldering skill.

Here are the directions for a 1G DSM car.  Our ECU's are "similar".

Active aero issues are likely some other problem.

- -Matt
'95 3000GT Spyder VR4

***  Info:  ***


Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 12:59:29 EST
Subject: Team3S: Engine stuttering/Tach Jumping

Okay, further investigation/reading on the internet suggests that I might
have a bad ECU. if that's the case, where can I get mine repaired without
giving up my firstborn?

- -Thor

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:05:27 -0500
From: "Zobel, Kurt" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: Stutter with low fuel

Could be blockage, perhaps the fuel filter?
Otherwise, check voltage(s) to the fuel pump and line pressure at the rails.
I am not familiar with the pickup tube to the pump, not sure if it could come loose or get blocked in some way.


- -----Original Message-----
From: Will Fortenberry []
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 4:26 PM
To: Team 3S
Subject: Team3S: Stutter with low fuel

Hey all,

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions. I've been on the list for a
while just watching. I'm having an odd problem with my 94 VR-4 (bpu). When I
get to 1/4-1/8 tank of gas, the engine will miss very badly above 3500rpm.
It gets worse as the fuel level gets lower. When I put gas in the car, it
immediately goes away.
In the past, I was able to go another 90 miles or so with no problems. Any


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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:28:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Geoff Mohler <>
Subject: Team3S: PF rotor quality update

Tim @ Porterfield has expressed that they have begun to use a new US
vendor (wont say who, and I didnt need to know anyway) for the 3S rotors,
and thanks to the few people who have contacted him with the issues we've
seen..they dropped the old vendor.

As with most things, one vendor can be good today, and suck tomorrow..but
he thanks everyone for thier feedback.

Also, 2pc OEM fitment race rotors for 2nd gen will cost anywhere from $
760 to $820 for the front pair if anyone is interested   They are sized up
and ready.  The rotors will look just like Mr. Floyd's do, but a thin
shade smaller diameter than he ordered for his custom setup.

- ---
Geoff Mohler

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:43:12 EST
Subject: Team3S: Spark Plugs Question?

 I need to change my spark plugs, I was told that the factory plugs were
still the best to use, I have the greddy profec B boost control set at 14Ib &
K&N filter 3" exhaust front to back, What should I gap the plugs to 29mm 0r
32mm ? Thanks in advance.

    Chris  95VR4

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:36:38 -0700
From: Wayne <>
Subject: Re: Team3S: Transmission Woes

I'm surprised nobody has jumped in on this. All i can say is
They were the first to rebuild our trannies, and establish a guide to do
it. I'm pretty sure some of the parts they use are stronger than the
factory parts too.

Just have your shop remove the old one, and put a Kormex rebuild in.

At 09:34 AM 11/26/01 , Kraig Frederickson wrote:
>Hello All,
>         First, let me say that I am new to this list and so far have found
>it a valuble resource, but I can learn only so much by digging through
>the archives.  My problem is this, I have a '92 VR-4 which I've had for
>about 2 years.  It has a 125k miles, is completely stock and I'm having
>some problems with the transmission.  The transmission was removed and
>the output shaft splines were visibly worn as well as the input to the
>transfer case.  I've found in the list archives places that sell
>replacement parts and shops that do rebuilds, but before I send my
>transmission off to get rebuilt I'd like some recommendations from people
>who have actually had work done on theirs.  Which shop seems to do the best
>work?  Is it going to take 2 months before I can get my car back?  Also,
>transmission problems seem widespread among these types of cars, which makes
>me think there is a design flaw.  Are there parts available that are maybe a
>little better quality than the stock parts?
>         Ideally, I'd like to find a local shop that can do the work.
>However, knowledge about this car seems really limited here in Ohio.  The
>manager of the shop I use is reluctant to even open up the transmission
>because no one there has any experience with it and there are apparently
>no manuals available.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  Feel free
>to respond to my e-mail directly at
>'92 VR-4

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 16:59:38 -0800
From: "Gross, Erik" <>
Subject: RE: Team3S: Spark Plugs Question?

Ideally, you should try the stock gap and see how your car performs.  If it
runs well, then leave it alone... if it misses under high boost or otherwise
doesn't run well, try closing the gap a little at a time until there's no
missing under high boost.

If you're not inclined to spend that kind of time, go with what others have

Smaller spark plug gaps generally mean less-complete combustion, lower gas
mileage, and a less-than-optimal flame front.  Larger gaps mean better
combustion, but can be flakey if the pre-combustion cylinder pressure is
high enough to create too much resistance in the spark plug gap.  IOW, you
want the largest gap (within reason) that,  with your ignition and boost
level, will not cause the spark to be "blown out" at higher pressures.  I
haven't pulled my plugs yet, but AFAIK, they are the original plugs with
37,000miles on them (stock gap or perhaps a tiny bit wider) and I have no
problems running 14psi.

- --Erik

- ------                                             ----------
Erik Gross                                         DuPont, WA
'95 Black 3000GT VR-4 (6MT, AWD, 4WS, ECS)          37,000 mi
   Track Setup:  FIPK, HKS TT Exhaust, GReddy PRofecA,
   GReddy TypeS BPV, Stillen DP, TEC Front ST Brace,
   Cusco Rear ST Brace, Optima RedTop, SpeedBleeders,
   Porterfield Cryo Front Rotors, R4S Front Pads,
   Firehawk SZ50EP 245/45/ZR17 @43/37(AutoX), '94 VR-4 Wheels
'94 Algae-Blue "fun to slide around corners" Corolla 80,000mi
- -------------------------------------------------------------

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Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:50:22 -0600
From: David Allison <>
Subject: Team3S: Oil Burning Probs

Yes, its me... again... I have a 94 3000gt which I think is burning oil.
For the first week of driving it after buying it from the guy I would
belch the blue smog of death whenever at low speeds or idling
(accelerator pushed down slightly or whatever). This last weekend I
drove about 70 miles on I-49 to a State Park to camp. It was hilly in
the camp and I was forced to travel at low speeds which gave me a lot of
blue smoke. Since driving back Sunday night most if not all of the smoke
has dissapeared. I added a quart of Mobil 1 10W30 synthetic to top the
oil off which I think looked low on the dip stick. (I'm confused on this
point because all there is on the dip stick is two indentations and the
wiggly part above them: someone please clarify for me!) Still no smoke
problems. I get home from driving 150 miles or so today (Baton
Rouge-Lafayette and back, twice), and just to see if I can get any smoke
I rev the engine up to 7000 RPM which gives me some smoke, but not
nearly as much. The oil seems low again however, When I filled up with
the synthetic it was at almost 3/4s (upward) between the two
indentations but now its just below half way between them, but it could
be my mistake on that part. I got on the phone with a Mitsu mechanic and
he said it was probably bad valve seals. Some people over here in
Lafayette at Hi-Tech Motorsports seem to think bad rings maybe (???).
The mitsu guy quoted me about 800-900 total to do the valves which seems
a little excessive. I do not want to pay the money but I'm still pretty
sure it may be burning a little bit of oil. I will check the PCV valve
just in case but I really doubt that is the root of my problems.
Remember when considering all of this, it smoked for about a week and
all of a sudden seemed to quit, about 2 days ago (after the first rain
its been in since I had it). Thanks in advance for putting up with all
of my crap.

P.S. The oil pressure gauge still reads in between the two marks  above
about 2/3rds.

- -David

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End of Team3S: 3000GT & Stealth V1 #684