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Open-Track & Driving School Events

NOTE:  Open Tracking has become so popular, we can no longer list all the events. (Especially now that this rapidly-growing "hobby" has become popular in dozens of countries). As you know, we are owner-member-volunteers here at Team3S..., with limited time available to devote to "The Fun Stuff".  For reference, we have listed the most important contact and website links around the USA.  Please contact us if you find an incorrect link, or you have a new link to add to our list.  Thank you.

Happy Racing!

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National Auto Sport Association (17 Regions in the US):
National Auto Sport Association - NASA Northern California Region, Contact: Jerry Kunsman

Alabama Region PCA - Dean Matthews
Allegheny Region PCA - Claire & John McConaha:

Alpine Mountain Region PCA - Jackie Chandler 719-535-0553
Connecticut Valley Region PCA - Bob & Keely Papay
Great Plains PCA - J.R.: 402-489-8951 or Doug: 402-486-4623
Hill Country Region PCA - Dan Germain:
Rocky Mountain Region PCA - Kathy Fricke: 303-499-6540
St. Louis Region PCA - Carter Dunkin:
Upper Canada Region PCA - Keith Anderson:
Zone 1 PCA - George Beuselinck:

SAAC National HQ: 860-364-0449, or
SAAC Buffalo - Track events, Lauren Fix: 716-636-1128 or
SAAC Colorado - Bill Miller: 303-421-3309
SAAC Mid-America - Jim Wicks: 918-256-7121
SAAC Northern California - Track events:

BMWCCA Motor City Chapter - Dick Oringer: 810-626-2434 or 517-348-5003
BMWCCA St. Louis Chapter - Stuart Faike: 314-398-4683
BMWCCA Inland Empire Chapter - Scott Adare:
BMWCCA Phoenix AZ Roadrunner Chapter - Dick Good
BMWCCA San Diego Chapter - Rich Gehring
BMWCCA LA Chapter - Leif:
BMWCCA Hoosier Chapter - Tom Kain
BMWCCA Sin City chapter - Teri Lachman:

Car Guys - 800-800-GUYS

Track Time - 216-759-1868

Mustang Club of Indianapolis - 317-888-0224

Open Track - 310-772-8202

Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota - Mike Miller: 651-633-7845

Quattro Club, USA - 612-475-2063

Touring Car Club - 626-284-2183

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NOTE:  Many of the dates above were taken from the various clubs’ web sites.
Some of these web sites even feature printable, online registration forms
and detailed information about how their events are run.

National Auto Sport Association (NASA)

Shelby American Automobile Club

Porsche Club of America

BMW Car Club of America

Open Track

Quattro Club USA

Touring Car Club (TCC)

Northern California Track Schedules

Pacific North West Track Schedules

Chicago Area Track Schedules

Eastern Region Track Schedules

USA and Canada Track Info

Use This Map to Locate a Track in Your Area

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All Images © 1995-2004 Bob Forrest, All Rights Reserved.