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How To Set Up Your Email

(TEXT-ONLY settings for compatibility with the Team3S List software.)

Instructions for:

MS Outlook 2000, & MS Outlook Express 4, 5 & 6

Red Gradient Line, 1k GIF

Correct Outlook 2000 settings for TEXT ONLY:

(Make sure that NO messages are open)

    1.  Up on the tool bar:  Go to Tools > Options > Mail Format...

    2.  Change the setting in the top box ('Send this mail as:') to Plain Text.

    3.  For a more permanent fix (this is a good idea for any internet mail), there are two buttons right below that section. Click the left one, marked, "Internet Format".

    4.  Select 'Plain Text' in the pop-up window, then OK to apply the changes.  Close the Options dialog box.

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Correct Outlook Express settings for TEXT ONLY
(OE4 & OE5 & 6):

(Make sure that NO messages are open)

    1.  Up on the tool bar:  Go to Tools > Options...

    2.  Click the 'Send' tab...

    3.  Make sure that BOTH 'Mail sending format' and 'News sending format' have 'Plain Text' selected.

    4.  For EACH of the Plain Text items above, click the 'Settings' button on each: make sure the 'UUencode' box is checked, not the 'HTML' box.

    5.  As to the list of items with checkboxes, only 'Save copy...', 'Include messages...', and 'Automatically complete...' should be checked.  (In OE5, you will also want to check 'Automatically put people I reply to in my Adress Book.')  Make sure the other 2 boxes are NOT checked.

    6.  Also make sure that you are using the "Western Alphabet" setting (English-speaking countries), or "Western European" setting (International).  The procedures are different between OE4 and OE5 & 6--

For OE4:

Click 'Apply' and then 'OK' to dismiss the Options dialog box.

(For US & Canada),
Go up to the toolbar and click:
View > Language > Western Alphabet
Click 'OK' to dismiss the dialog box.

(For most European and "Western" countries),
Go up to the toolbar and click:
View > Language > Western European Alphabet
Click 'OK' to dismiss the dialog box.

For OE5 & 6:

Click "International Settings", then select "Western"
or "Western European (Windows)".
You do not have to check the box marked "Use English Headers"
Click 'Apply' and then 'OK' to dismiss the Options dialog box.

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Your settings should look something like one of these two samples:

A:  Outlook Express 4

Mail Settings OE4, 9k GIF

B:  Outlook Express 5 & 6

Mail Settings OE5 , 9k GIF

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For special occasions and uses OTHER than the Team3S list, you can always make individual emails with fonts and color by clicking the 'Compose Message' button, and going to the menu on the new message and clicking:

Format > RichText (HTML)

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Email guide suggested by an article by Fred Langa.

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